For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Eternal Companionship

I like the fact that God not only created man but that He wanted to be in a relationship with Him. He did not want man being alone, fending for himself or lacking things. When He created him, He fellowshipped enough with Him, to know that it was not good for Adam to be alone, to know exactly what suited Adam, to know what food would be pleasing to His eye and so much more. He made sure Adam had all things and ultimately, a relationship with Him. Even when Adam sinned, does it not speak of how loving God is that He, the one who had been wronged, came down to fetch for them? And to make them their first clothes that would actually last (Genesis 2)? Yet they did not even think of saying sorry. I do believe they had time for this; to explain. Instead, all they did was give excuses. Even with Cain in chapter 4, God asked,” Where is your bother?”  and he lied right there and said he did not know. But still I see it again and again, God coming down and initiating a relationship.

It was later on that man began to respond again. To call on Him (Gen. 4 and 5).  Enoch for instance, walked with God, was in a habitual fellowship with Him (Genesis 5:24- amp).  Then he was no more because God took Him home. Just like that!! How close were they for that to happen? They must have been so close, always together that it was of no difference that Enoch should just go home and be with God ALL THE TIME.

And it continues, Abraham was another of God’s friend. Their conversations are just amazing. These two really talked to one another and sometimes, I believe, even without words. God said to him Abraham, this is what I want to do for you. I want to make you great, so great everyone will know you; I want to give you many sons that no-one can count them. If people bless you, I will also bless them. Note that it is God who wanted it for Him, not that Abraham wanted it for himself- There is no record of that. On Abraham’s part, I really just believe this guy was so CRAZY in love with God. His first instinct was not to say, ‘how will you do that? When God? Or why?’ When God said leave this land and go to the land I will show you, He just up and did it.  I am amazed at the level of trust He had in God for him to just do that ( Gen. 12). I can go on… there was David, the man after God’s heart ( Acts 13:22). Ah!! Isn’t it great to be acknowledged as thus? Are you panting after God’s own heart? For His will?

And yet all these people who interacted so closely with God and had such great encounters with Him, did not have what we have today. God to them was in heaven and would come down. Then later He came as His word personified, restricted by the body to live in man, He could not be at all places at one time because His body was just like ours (John 1:14). Even when Lazarus got ill and died, Jesus could not be there for him, to heal him, His own very close friend (John 11). People often say that they wish they lived in this era, to have touched Jesus, to have seen Him, but truth be known, the people in this era still did not have what we have now. The era we live in has been talked about for generations, by prophets such as Joel. The saints wanted this era. The era when God sent down His Spirit to live with man, to live in man. Not restricted by human body. A time when He can be everywhere on earth with man. As I write, He is in me and as you read, He may be speaking to you wherever you are.

What we have now surpasses everything past. Even Jesus said this when He said, ‘it is for your own good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the counsellor will not come to you. But if I go, I will send Him to you’ (John 16:7). I am writing all this so that you are conscious that if you received Him, even though you might not always feel Him, He is in you. When you become conscious of a thing, things change . For instance, when I wear high heels, the way I walk changes. There is just something about knowing am a few inches off the ground. I KNOW this and I just can’t walk the same way as I do with flats. It works in all ways. Train yourself to be conscious of Him. It will change the way you live your life. You will know that you represent royalty, that you are royalty. You are not just talking on your behalf but on His. Imagine how this would change the things you say? Your whole life will be transformed.

You also have to train yourself to yield to Him. God will not take away your choices. You can choose not to listen to Him. He does know it all, but He will not force feed you. You can continue living your life as if He were not there. But this is sad. It is really really sad because its sighing away from the fellowship of the Holyspirit: The closest friend you could ever have. The greatest teacher there is, your lover, your comforter. Even if He would not enable you to do anything, having such a companion to go through life with is a spectacular experience. People are searching for such to no avail. With him, you have a relationship that surpasses any you will ever have. He will remind you all that Jesus is and did for you (John 14:25-26). He reveals to you, your identity. I remember, the other week, I was feeling very unloved and unappreciated and I asked Him to please remind me of how much He loves me. I have found that His love makes man’s love pale in comparison..hahaha… Anyway, He did. That day, everyone just bombarded me with kindness and as I sat reading His word, and writing out my thoughts, I was reminded of His great love: it was as if He hugged me real tight and said, I love was overwhelming.

You have to take advantage of this relationship. God has restored what man lost at the beginning. He is fellowshipping with us FOR ALWAYS. Do not let this to pass you by. When I say He will speak, to you, know that He speaks PRIMARILY through the word, the Bible. Remember, He has inspired the writing of the word. Who would have brought to the disciples’ remembrance what Jesus had taught them so that it be recorded? Who would have taught Paul all that he wrote (And it is clear this guy had great insight). Sometimes, even just reading the book of Psalms makes me realise that only He would have enabled David to see creation the way he did, the Psalms are so graphic. You can just see the verses. The way the psalmist in Psalms 42:1 says His soul longs for God, as a deer pants for water. You  can see that deer so thirsty, its heart almost jumping out of its chest as it sees the water near, Its heart beating loud and so fast… so fast it is uncomfortable; Its mouth open, tongue out, trying to cool the hurting throat but alas! No success. Nothing will help but the water. NOTHING!! It will do anything for it, to taste. And then you see David in the field trying to describe how he felt, how badly he wanted God. To the point of need, of craving; At that moment he would do anything to have God! It is just amazing. This was not ignorance writing. It was wisdom. It can’t be anything else.  The word is all God breathed and He will use it  for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training you in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). He longs to reveal the things hidden in it and you have no greater teacher that He who inspired it.

But not only this, He will reveal to you the personal word of God which is Jesus. Jesus did not say all He could say back then because the people would not bear it. But He said that when the Holyspirit came, more would be said from Him and the Father (John 16: 12-15). He has answers to all things and He can enlighten you.

Greater still is the fact that He can help you pray. I don’t know if am the only one who at times feels like does not know how to pray or what to pray for. Actually, I can’t be the only one because His word says,  ‘So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance. And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is], because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God's will.’( Romans 8:26-27).

There have been moments in my life when I have just sat in the presence of God and said, ‘Lord I want to pray but I do not know what to say, all I have are wants and I don’t want to just want something from you.’ I am encouraged that when I get to those limits, there is someone to help me pray: About things I never intended to pray for. Because as I said, the world is bigger than you. Even in your prayer life, the Spirit wants to use that for the Church. He can put words in your mouth. Oh but that you let Him do it in you.

Ask for Him. Thirst for Him. God will never leave a heart desiring after Him empty. The Bible says in Luke11: 9-13 that the Father in heaven will give the Holyspirit to those who ask for Him. He will make God a reality in your life, not some abstract in Heaven looking down on you. But it will also mean you are no longer living how you want for you are His temple (Corinthians 6:19). It can be hard at times, but you will do it because He is there in you. Do not only engage with Him when it is convenient with you. I urge you to please, please, hand over control in your life. You may not be in control but you will be happier for it.

Also soak yourselves in the word (this cant be over-emphasised) and soon your minds too will be saturated with His words. When you start to worry, you will hear Him say, ‘hey don’t worry, I have you.’ When you feel unloved, He will embrace you. Soon enough, you will even be incapable of feeling this way. Yes!! It can happen. You will just know, beyond a doubt that you are loved. When He speaks, your first instinct will not be to ask how or why but to rise up and start acting just as Abraham. People can say it is impossible but there are no impossibilities. What do us people know anyway, compared to God? People will think backsliding is normal, part of life, but the Bible says He can keep you from falling (Jude 24). Your life in Christ does not have to fluctuate. Just dare to believe. Jesus died in order for you to have this. Do not refuse the life He died to give you. Accept it and yield. Just yield.

Have a great week as you continue to unravel your identity in Christ.


  1. Hie Ruthie, am hapy that you are still keeping up with the blog exposising the word and inspiration to your fellow ladies. Keep it up and I hope I wont be suprised when some of this entries would make cahpters of a book. God bless!

  2. hey Ruth i have been blessed by what you are doing. To learn from you is an honor, i feel favored and humbled. To see how God is working in you is amazing!!!! Honestly your a blessing. God bless you!!

  3. Thank you so much guys. These comments always encourage me.I am humbled..God bless you.
