For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Thursday 27 January 2011

Enter Scene: A lady's Ultimate Helper...

Look what I came across the other day that would have been great for our talk on the word of God. A man said: ‘Never compare this book with other books. Comparisons are dangerous. Never think or never say that this book contains the Word of God. IT IS THE WORD OF GOD. It is supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, inexpressible in value, infinite in scope, regenerative in power, infallible in authority, universal in interest, personal in application, inspired in totality. Read it through, Write it down. Pray it in. Work it out. And then pass it on.’ WOW!!
Is it not wonderful that God has made us princesses? His very own handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]( Ephesians 2:10, amp).

As a lady, always be aware that you were made special, for something special. God has a plan beyond anything you have ever known. It’s BIG!! So many attempts to destroy it have been made, but no!! This is too big for anything or anyone to destroy. It is so huge but also inclusive because within it, He has made a part for you. He knows what He made you for better than you do. In fact many don’t even know why they are on this earth yet, but He does. He prepared it all ahead of time: the script is written, stage set. Question is, are you ready?

This plan though inclusive, however is not centered on you. its not just about you: you doing well, having a good life, the best family, that job, all the money you want, etc. It is bigger than you. Of Jesus, it is written in Acts 10:38, that He got anointed with the Holy Spirit and He ‘went about doing good, in particular curing all those who were oppressed and harassed by the devil.’ Jesus came for us. That was His part on earth within the big plan of God, the Father. Jesus, not only redeemed us, He restored us, reconciled us back to God. It was not just about Him. The same is recorded of the apostles: they went about spreading good news to people,  healing the sick etc..and now its you, its me,  we also have been born anew to do good works. What they are will however, vary according to the Father's will for your life.

But without a doubt His plan for you is big and unique. Whatever plans you make for yourself, they are nothing compared to His. The famous Jeremiah 29:11, says, “ For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome plans for you.”  This is a guarantee.  He knows your future, He doesn’t think it, He doesn’t ‘maybe’  it or  just says, 'I don’t wanna think about it'. He KNOWS. Gloria Copeland, a woman I admire and love has said that the plans she had as a young woman now seem almost silly when she sees what she has accomplished following God’s plan for her.  You have to remember, His thoughts are way higher than yours. They are not limited by ANYTHING. He owns everything. The whole earth is only His footstool ( Acts 7:49).

So, if you have discovered what His plan for your life is, do not think that you are too young or too old to pull it off. That it is too expensive and you have no idea where any money will come from. Do not think that it is too lame to be a career. Do not let doubts settle in. Dont let yourself be swayed from it. I know others have no idea what His plan is. Ask Him to tell you because while your plans may be good even very convincing, His are better. Talk to Him about it more than you do to anyone else. Don’t let ideas just cloud up in your head or heart and allow the devil  to convince you, you can not do it for whatever reasons he has. YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST.  AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! GOD DID NOT INTEND THAT YOU GO THROUGH LIFE, FULFILLING HIS PLAN ALONE. It might be big, yes, but God is bigger. It might be expensive but God is RICH!! You might not know it but WOW!! God can tell you. He has given you all that is necessary to accomplish His plan for you. In fact He has given you the ultimate helper: THE HOLYSPIRIT.

WOW!!WOW!!! This blows my so excited…. The Holyspirit is just fresh!! Smith Wigglesworth has called Him the executive of Jesus and the Father. That is, if you want to know what is on God’s mind concerning your life, you will need Him in you because He ‘searches diligently, exploring and examining everything, even sounding the profound and bottomless things of God [the divine counsels and things hidden and beyond man's scrutiny]’ (1 Corinthians 2:10). In simpler terms, He searches the mind of God.
And even to fully benefit from the Bible, it is a must to have Him. Because yeah, while the word is the key to unraveling your identity, He is the one who  brings it to life, reveals all the gems hidden in it. Without Him, it is like having a key to something life-changing but not knowing how to use it. With all your intelligence, you can not fully understand the Bible, the richness of it. You can not really grasp the treasure in it. But He, He will reveal to you things in it that no one else would, concerning your life. You NEED Him. If Jesus needed Him, believe me, you do too.  He knows a lot of stuff you don’t…and you can not fulfill God’s plan for your life without Him because the mastermind behind the plan, thinks in a way that is too high for us,and  it is the Holyspirit who interprets this and reveals it to us.

As a Christian I am eternally grateful for the Holyspirit. Knowing Him has changed my life and continues to do so. Jesus defined Him as another helper in John 14. A comforter, Counselor, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby in the Amplified. These words all describe someone who comes alongside to help. The Holyspirit does not come to do it all and let you sit down and watch. If this were so, all spirit-filled Christians would be effecting change in this world passionately because I really doubt He would want to just sit and watch people suffer. But He came to help you, to enable you to accomplish your part of God’s plan. If He is in you,  He comes along with all that He is, which is God, to make you bold where you were scared, to make you a success where you were a failure. He enables you to become all God created you be thus turning uncertainties into certainties.

Also Jesus promised that the Holyspirit would never leave us.That He would be with us and in us. Do you know what this means?!!! As a believer, one can never be alone. It can not happen. He is in you. FOREVER!! So do not let the devil or sometimes just yourself depress you with loneliness. Just remind him and yourself that you have a God in you who will never leave. Being aware or conscious of God’s eternal presence in your life, can change your life because you will always remember that there is someone greater in you than what you face. I am still training myself to be aware of this. As I walk, as I read something I find difficult: Just to remind myself, someone within me knows all things.

 It is limitless what He can do for you. If you read Psalms 25: 12-13 in the Living Bible, it says, ‘Where is the man who fears the Lord? God will TEACH Him how to CHOOSE THE BEST. He shall live within God’s eternal circle of blessing, and his children shall inherit the earth.’ Who is the teacher now? John 16 records that it is the Holyspirit. This verse is staggering because it means, He can teach you not to settle for second best but only the best. Not to try things and see if it works out.  You will make best choices first. No regrets. He will teach it all to you. I don’t know about you, but I would willingly learn that…hahahaha

I would love to go on, but I will have to stop here. This was just the introduction to our Helper. There is so much to learn and I can not cram it all in one piece so we will continue this next week. I would urge you all though, to take time this week and go through John 14 and 16 and 1 Corinthians 2 and just let it sink into you. Let Him tell you about Himself.

Till next week then!! Have a great week. Make someone Happy!! :-)

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