For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Thursday 24 February 2011

The Lady and Her Lord

Finding the right entry for this week was not easy. There is so much that I wanna share with you. So much that just has to do with being a woman, falling in love, relationships and all that but the Lord keeps telling me ‘Not yet, not yet!!’
We can’t progress until it is absolutely clear that all of these good things we want and struggle to find, will only appear and flourish when we are deeply rooted in God and His word. We need to therefore, be able to set our priorities right. It is a vital requirement in this world where there is so much to do. The good thing is, we have help because the expert Himself, God, has given us guidance: To seek first the kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto us. I can talk of all that, insecurities, fashion, etc but if God is not paramount in our lives, this might as well be a self help blog. However, God wants us to know that, He can take us above that. Above running around, searching for answers in the wrong places, above tips on high self esteem, how to mend a broken heart and what love/happiness really a level where we just know who we are and where our help comes from.  
As ladies we are living in times that are full of many distractions to our Christian walk. The people we listen to who talk about how to live our lives are themselves not experts in living, for if they were, would their lives not show it?  Other people we esteem as beautiful have had parts of themselves changed because they did not think it was right, the way it was. It seems tips on life and relationships can be found everywhere but the question you should ask is whether they are the right answers. Do not get too drowned in other suggestions that the word of God is nothing but an echo at the back of your mind. God would love that you become so full of His word, that you will be able to spot so many lies that may be right in your face...
There are so many things wrong in this world but that does not undermine what is right. A lot of women have grown up without a father to look up to. You don’t know what it is to just be held in the arms of a dad who tells you that he loves you more than anything. You have strived all your life to impress him but, you have never heard, not once, him say he is proud of you. You know only that he loves you because he makes sure you’re fed and go to school. Others have grown up without a mother. Someone to nurture them through the different phases of life. And for some, even having one made no difference:  she has not been what a mother should be. Consequently, many women  have gone through life, fumbling around, trying to learn, hurting so much and wishing for this thing called love yet returning worse off than before. They might have trusted a man, who ended up breaking them, rejecting this priceless lady made for God.
As a result of this, a lot of us fail to relate with God on a level of a parent/lover. We do not really get it when He says He loves us and actually even likes us and wants to teach and advice us. Because if we really did grasp this, that He is everything He says He is, it would be so easy to totally depend on Him. Instead we consider Him distant, or like big brother just waiting for us to mess up. But our wrong impressions of Him do not undermine the truth. The truth is that there is no relationship a lady can experience that is more fulfilling than a relationship with God. It is a relationship of knowing you are held in everlasting arms that bring about healing from damages that you incurred in your pursuit of every other relationship. He is the place where restoration is found. You can relax in God and just be a little girl, who in His presence, climbs into the lap of a loving father whose sound wisdom, counsel and consistent love will shield you from anything. You are shielded in Him, protected always.
TD Jakes has said, God, is the missing ingredient that adds validity to any other pursuit in life. If you gain everything and fail to know Him, you have nothing at all. His love for you is so pure that you will find none other like it. It is not dependent on your performance, appearance or intellectual capacity. He has loved you before you were formed in the womb of your mother. And it is when you know this love, that you are not desperate for any other kind of love because your satisfaction becomes so complete that it removes you far away from the DESPERATE need for affection and affirmation that may lead you to grope and grasp blindly for anything that will do. It is highly necessary to know, to believe, to trust that God is absolutely reliable. Test Him and see for yourself. He is the right thing that can never go wrong. The truth that will never change. You can run to him in every crisis and know that He will not fail you, He will not desert you, and He will not leave you. He is the only one to whom you can lay your heart bare, tell all your insecurities to and expect not to be called insecure but to be affirmed and upgraded to confidence.
I am not telling you something that won’t work in your life. I am evidence that it works and I know a lot more ladies who this has worked for. Putting God first in your life and not just saying it, is not the easiest thing you can do. It might mean forgoing things you like, even love but it is so soooo much worth it. We all know that eating healthy will at times mean not having that extra muffin or chocolate, but when you see the extra pounds drop off, how happy are you? And the best thing is, it gets easier with time. The principle is the same. Applying yourself to the word of God might be hard at first, even boring but if you keep doing it, it will be profitable not only in this life but in that to come and in time, if you keep at it, It will be easier, much more fun and soon you’ll won’t be able to do without your daily fix!!
Let’s rise up to it, Ladies. We can do this!!!

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