For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Thursday 17 February 2011

Identity Crisis....

As surely as a person lives, they will at one time wonder about their purpose in life, who they really are and what their life means? And because many never find out, they start to identify themselves with things or people…

 Some people find meaning in what they have and what they look like. So they go about acquiring all they can and going to great measures just to look right. Money drives them and they make sure they get more or at least die trying.

Other people will identify themselves with their career. You ask them who they are and they reply, ‘my name is Mary and I am the executive director of a company.’ They spend all their life striving to be the best in school or at work. So many hours they spend in work, at the cost of even their family. The problem however is, we are human beings not human doings and when you have finally run the organisation you want to run, you will still retire and then what next?

And yet for some women, it is men in whom they find meaning. There always has to be a man around them to tell them they are beautiful otherwise they will not believe it for themselves. They need constant affirmation of how great a person they are and how good they look. Still, others pride themselves in being the strong ones. They like it when everyone else is dependent on them. It makes them feel useful, wanted.

But you get all this out of the picture and who are you really?  All these things do not really define a person. Behind the entire make up and good clothes, who is that lady that lives there? Who is she that is so strong and confident to everyone but herself?  Who is that lady no man seems to be satisfying? Does she ever even really come out? If we do not acknowledge God in our lives, we will find that beneath it all, at best we are developed animals and at worst rearranged space matter as science has put it. Max Lucado has said that in scheme of nature we, as homo-sapiens, are not unique at all. Our bodies came from dust like animals and we have blood just like them. What makes us special is not our body but the signature of God on our lives. I call you special, unique, beautiful, not because of what you do or how you look like but because of whose you are. If we take God out of the equation there is no meaning to you and surely we shall find emptiness beneath it all, unhappiness and self hate.

God makes the difference. Before the foundations of this earth were set, He knew you, and your aim. The story of your life is already set, complete with a wonderful ending if you choose to live by it. And He made you unique, His grand design, the cherry on the top. Do not look at yourself and just think you are just a statistic in this world, look to God, to His word and let it tell you the real truth about yourself. You can be your own worst enemy sometimes. But God will tell you an entirely different story. Just read the Bible and be aware of your heritage. Learn of your true identity and inheritance and I promise you, you will watch your whole world transform into something great!! There is something God placed in you that is unique. The whole world is waiting for you to start living up to it. If you rely on your boss to tell you everything, your spouse or boyfriend, parent, you will wait a long time because they do not know it all. But look to God, make Him priority and embrace His directions. Do not be afraid to trust God. You cant go wrong with Him. NEVER!!
Remain true always…..

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