For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Friday 1 April 2011

First things First.....

First of all, let me say, we now have a facebook page: From peasant to princess. Search for it if you are on facebook and join. I am learning quite a lot from, not only princesses but princes as well. Please search for it and join. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

Anyway, let’s get started…I have a surprise for you guys this week. For the very first time ever, I have an entry that is not written by me. I am very excited about this wave of fresh air coming in and I look forward to many more as will be provided by God. I first read this article when I was tagged on facebook by the author and brother in Christ, Fredrick and I thoroughly enjoyed and agreed to the word shared. Unknowingly, my friend, Geraldine read it too and suggested it be posted on the facebook page. The area it covers is that of relationships. Honestly, I wanted to reserve any topics about relationships till June this year. That was the plan because I thought there are other important things to discuss and (I know this will sound selfish) but I thought I have just about had enough of anymore talks about relationships because that is all everyone, including myself talk about. But God had different plans for us and hence the entry. It has been beautifully written and I know that it is the right entry for this week because of a certain princess I might not know, who needs it. And I just wanna say that God loves you so much that He placed it on Fred’s heart to write this, and  placed my plans aside just for you, so open your heart and receive it:

There is a true saying that goes “First things First.” No matter what the first things are, success is dependent upon them coming first. I am convinced there is no exception to the rule. For example, one will not quench thirst before first taking a drink - be it water, minerals or juice, it doesn’t matter. Similarly, before one starts to think seriously about relationships, it is important to first know oneself (who exactly they will court with is a matter that must be settled when this first issue is sorted out). The word says “as a man thinks in his heart so he is”… for out of the heart “spring the issues of life” (Prov.4:23).

How your relationship is going to be is largely a function of yourself; if you are unstable, it will be rough and unstable; and if you are established, it will be focused. This means, then, you must first define yourself, and in the course of doing this you have a need; a great and indispensable need of at least answering the following questions:

Firstly, who is God in your life? Jer.9:23-24 says, ‘Thus says the Lord: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the Lord. Can you say that you personally know God? What exactly He is to you? Do you know Him as the definition of your life?

Secondly, who are you? Am not asking about your name or your place of work, but your identity. What is your treasure in life? Is Christ all you’ve got? John.6:68-69 says, But Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ He had come to an understanding that in Christ, there was everything, he could ever want. There was no point looking elsewhere.

Thirdly, are you able to say without Him I can do nothing? John.15:5 says, I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing?’ This is basically a show of surrender; that you are so dependent on Him that you can not even start a relationship without Him initiating it. And we have to strive to be grounded in this, for what branch is without the vine, but the dead one? Also, you gatta ask, what is your vision in life? Do you know where you are going like Jesus did in John.8:14 where He said, Even if I bear witness of Myself, My witness is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going..’ And if you know, how are you progressing towards that vision?

Remember the Lord says your heart is bent towards where your treasure is. What is your treasure? Is it school, family, boyfriend/girlfriend, work or God Almighty? You will see that we need not put trust in riches or in the sons of men who when they die all their plans come to nothing (see Ps.146:3-4). There is no help there and if this was deeply rooted in us, we would save a lot of time.  Many times we fail to go to the Father who can help, and instead run straight into the arms of someone who cant help. We have to understand though that, we cannot commit to someone thinking they can save us; that if we just find that someone, or thing then everything will be alright. Men are not saviors. They have nothing with which to save us. They are co-heirs with Christ, just like us, of God's glory; not the givers of the inheritance. Therefore, no man, however wonderful can make you whole. This is why the word of God exhorts us that we are to define ourselves first of all by “…seek[ing] first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto us.” (Mt.6:33).

But why does the Father want you to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness? Well, God is truth and He created you in truth. Your identity is bound up with Him; He not only knows the truth about you, but He also has it. You will only function best if you live in your intended environment, which is in God presence. Using the physical to explain the spiritual, Did you know that even a flower does this? Science will tell you that a flower will bend towards the sun. Even when grown in darkness, if light slips through from somewhere, it will lean towards that because there is only death in the wrong environment. God has your purpose for being and He framed you for His praise (Isa.43:21). You were to have dominion (see Gen.1:26). But when Adam sinned we all lost touch with our identity and purpose as well as dominion, and consequently became disobedient toward God. Through deception the devil overthrew us all and took us bondage, even blinding our minds so we could not know truth (see 2Cor.4:3-4).

However, the best part is that although the latter came to be the status quo, out of love, God gave up His Son to die for us that we may find our way back to Him. He has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. Consequently, through Christ, He wants you to know Him personally, and also that you may know the truth about your being – just as “man is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man…nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the Lord…but all things are from God” (1Cor.11:7-12). There are deep revelations in this which even touch on our relationship with God; You are the image and glory of God, and you must come to know what this means.  And, still more, God has revealed that He knows the thoughts He thinks toward you; thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give a future and a hope (Jer.29:11).

Yet although one may know all these wonderful facts and promises, it is important to note that these things will not come to pass in your life until you seek His kingdom and His righteousness first. This is so because if you don’t seek Him you won’t know His will for your life; and neither are you going to subject yourself to it because you don’t know it. But as you seek the kingdom and His righteousness you will find yourself positioned within His will, which will in turn lead to freedom, peace, joy, love, hope, confidence, boldness and all fulfillment that is in Christ. All confusion and emptiness of the soul will come to cease as you progressively come to know more and more that you are so valuable in God’s eyes; and what else will you ask for ,having become known by the Father who owns all things? Think about God becoming a Father unto you, what exciting news! Besides, the Lord said it is to the Father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom; what other gifts could be greater than these? You see, before anything in life, a relationship inclusive, you must first identify yourself deeply with God, for you are made complete in Him (Col.2:10).

In addition, the result of seeking Him is that ALL OTHER THINGS will be added unto you. Note that all other things means all other things, not some; and these include brothers, sisters, father, mother, Wife/Husband (who is first a girlfriend /boyfriend no matter how short the time may be), children, lands, etc (crosscheck with Mk.10:29-30). He even assures you that you will by no means lose these things (of course with persecutions attached) as you labor for His sake. Therefore, be assured that it is in God’s interest for you to have a relationship, only put first things first. Consequently, after you have known you are in His care, the Lord exhorts you that we are not to worry about tomorrow since you know that all other things will also be added unto you as you seek first  His kingdom and His righteousness (see Mt.6:34). But always remember all these other things will bring enjoyment only after first things have come first!

And there you have it ladies. Its brilliant stuff right? I believe we can do this. I mean if flowers can seek for their right environment, so can we right? I was blessed, still am. The guy knows his Bible and I can testify that he is not just talking theory. Its true. This has worked in his life and in many other people’s lives. I have learnt from this that a relationship is not a game of chance. It is not a mystery. You can know that it will be good or not. If God was the founder of it, the initiator, it will surely bring you good because He only gives good and perfect gifts. The sad fact that a lot of believers fail in this area, is rooted in allowing feelings, what we think God said and desperation overwhelm us to the point of acting without any consultation. But we have to know God, to know Him so much that we are willing to listen to Him even if it means not having our way. Play it safe today!! Seek Him first.

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent Ruth, never anticipated I would set my eyes on such a polished work! Thank God relationships concern Him. We should never be in the dark about these things while God has the light we can come under and see! Stop searching in the dark ladies and gentlemen, and allow Christ to shine through and for you to the right person, while you have been made the right one them in the first place! Am encouraged and sense an urge to know Him more, and put my relationship (which will end in marraige in three month's time) in its rightful place. I pray that God will direct us all in His ways. A big God bless you!!!
