For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Thursday 14 April 2011

Little gems of Truth

Have you ever gone to the beach and picked some pebbles? Or gone outside to pick flowers? Fruits? Vegetables? Have you ever gone shopping for earrings? Clothes maybe? The principle is the same: You pick the best of the lot according to you. If you are like me, sometimes you just wish, you could carry the whole lot back to your house. It seems, the principle is the same with the word, there are little nuggets of truth thrown through-out the Bible and we pick the best that suits our season. You find rubies on love, gems on fear, diamonds of success and so on…but again, at times you just wish you could gulp it all. Often times on this blog, I find myself wanting to write everything but I can’t. It seems I always have to pick a topic for a week. But this week God surprised me. He gave me an idea to write several nuggets of truth for you. So, I will not be sticking to one topic but share on a few..

Firstly ladies, always bear in mind that God has made everything beautiful in its time ( Ecclesiastics 3:11) .
In every beautiful story, there are 3 determinants. There is God. There is time. And there is the ‘object/subject’. I was shocked to hear how very rare it is for a pearl to be formed naturally. There is no-one who can predict the formation and even when it is formed, it takes years for it to be ready for the market. Natural diamonds are the same. Taking the earth thousands of years to produce; It is no wonder, people will pay millions for them. The principle is the same with rubies. Hidden deep within the earth, awaiting discovery, while being formed and shaped into beauty. I relate more with flowers, because at the moment, I see them much more often than gemstones…hahahaha…but it will take time for a rose to bloom and if you force it, you will destroy it. It will take time for a caterpillar to break free of its cocoon and turn into a butterfly. You cannot force the process. 

The same principle applies to your life today, princess. There is God, there is time and there is you. If you will let God take His time with you, it is a guarantee that you will be a woman of immense beauty, displaying peculiarity in all you do. If you will be patient enough to not rush His work inside of you, there is no force in this earth that could prevent you from shining or blooming. In your own time, everything about you will be made beautiful. Do not therefore, look to your right and envy what the other has in their life. Your sister lives in a different time zone. The fact that she has what you desire does not mean you will never have it..No!! It just means, God is still working on you and in time, you will be ready. Your circumstances do not matter because as a caterpillar, you are in a cocoon of love, shielded on all sides and soon you will fly!! Your background has no hold on you: If God can produce a ruby in the depths of the earth, He can produce a beauty from ashes!!

Secondly, daughters of the King, We walk by Faith and not Sight ( 2 Corinthians 5:17).
I often wonder why as humans we trust what we see more than the word of God. My sight is not the very best. I have to wear glasses to see afar. But even for those who would boast in the clarity with which they see with their natural eyes, I doubt, there is no limitation to their sight. There are just some things they can’t see. This should tell us something about our physical eyes. We cannot trust them 100%. They have a potential to lie to us and honestly, sometimes they do us more harm than good. No wonder the Bible says: If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell (Matthew 5:29)…YES PEOPLE…SOME OF OUR EYES NEED PLUCKING OUT!!!...Hahaha…Seriously though, some of the things we suffer: the loss of hope, the sadness, and all these unpleasant things, are mostly because we look at our situation and we are defeated. Our eyes magnify the problem and fear settles in our hearts. But what we need to do ladies is to walk by our faith and not by sight. Close your eyes, pluck them out…whatever works for you and trust in God; Walk by faith. A sure way to do so is to read the word of God concerning your situation. Find out what God says about your health, your finances, your husband, your education and stick to that truth. The word of God, will not tell you lies. It is TRUTH. As you read the word concerning your situation, faith begins to grow in you and you begin to see the problem through the eyes of God…it becomes an opportunity to shine!!(Romans 10:17)It can be scary, even seem impractical at times...but you have to trust the one leading; His vision is point-perfect!!

And hopefully by the end of this I will not be hated but let it be said dear sisters that we have feelings. Feelings do not have us.
I remember there was a time I believed God had no feelings apart from anger. I knew He was not happy during the time of Noah, and Sodom and Gomorrah. Apart from that I did not know He had feelings. The more I read the word however, the more am coming to an understanding that He does have feelings. The difference with us though is that He has a firm control of them and it is because of this that we can trust Him. You see, He does not act based on His feelings. He does not bless you primarily because He is happy, even though He is a happy God. He blesses you because His word says He will. The thing is, feelings change. You can be happy today and sad tomorrow. You can feel at peace today and disturbed tomorrow. With God, there is no shadow of turning. His nature does not fluctuate ( James 1:17).

It is our feelings that make us unstable and so stability will only arise when we have a hold of them. Remember the disciples when the storm hit while they were at sea (Mark 4:35-40); They were so afraid, panicked and their thoughts run straight to death. They said, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’ They seriously thought Jesus was insensitive. However, that is another problem with feelings. They will influence our surrounding. When you are sad, everything becomes gloomy. It even restrains your friends from being happy because you are sad or hurt. It has been said that misery loves company and as the disciples did, one often feels like anyone happy does not sympathize with them. But Jesus, being so calm, ignored them and focused on the storm. Feelings will make you focus mainly on yourself, not God or what it is you are meant to be doing. So your mind will be filled with all that is wrong/good in your life and not on what God says about it. Unfortunately this, as was the case with the disciples, does not change anything. 

Jesus on the other hand, did not act on His feelings. He was therefore calm and collected. He acted on a true fact: That He had power to control anything. How He felt is so irrelevant, to the point that it was not even mentioned. He looked at the situation and commanded the waters to be at peace. He worked on His faith and influenced the situation. He used what He knew to be inside of Him and not what He felt inside, to influence His circumstance. The nugget of truth here is: you have the same ability to master your emotions, to the point of feelings becoming irrelevant. That is freedom from hurt and all its associates. Because while we might think feelings free us, they are in fact harmful in that we can be kept in bondage to them. Fear is crippling, hurt can be very selfish, I wont even touch on pride..even excitement can lead to trouble sometimes. If we are to follow our every feeling, the result will be dangerous. This surprises me because they seem harmless but it is in fact true. Ask those people whom depression has mastered, or fear, crippled. Don’t get me wrong.  I am not saying it is wrong to feel…I am saying though that it is wrong to be mastered by feelings.

 In Genesis we were given dominion over everything, and that includes our bodies, of which feelings are a part of. In addition, as Christians we have been given constants in the FRUIT of the Holyspirit. These are things you can always draw from. They are inside of you no matter how you feel. Jesus drew peace from within Him and it influenced the circumstances around. You have love, joy peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control ( Galatians 5:22). You can draw from within and stop the fear. There is no reason why we should subject yourselves to ourselves to feelings as we often do. If people heard the way we lament of our feelings, they would think we were powerless, little kids with no dads. We have got to sort this out by changing the way we think.  If our thinking is intoxicated, our feelings will be too. And we all know a sure way of renewing our minds is through the word. Feelings are a gift, but if they have you, they are your worst enemy: They will stop you from doing what needs to be done because you simply do not feel like it. Smith Wigglesworth once said: I understand God by His word. I cannot understand God by impressions or feelings. I cannot get to know God by sentiments. If I am going to know God, I am going to know Him by His word. I know I shall be in heaven, but I cannot build on my feelings that I am going to heaven. I am going to heaven because God's word says it, and I believe God's word.

Lastly princesses…. God loves you.
I want you to allow this TRUTH to sink into you. GOD REAAAALLLY LOVES YOU.  I know you know this, but never stop reminding yourself. It can not be overstated. I do believe if Christians knew the extent they were loved, the gospel would spread like fire. The excitement would be electric. The problem is that this truth has been watered down by many Christians into a human kind of love. We think it is normal for God to love us or we take it for granted because He will always love us. We are almost immune to the impact it can have in our lives. I pray we understand this though because it was the knowledge of God’s love for them that empowered the apostles. They could not just sit down. It was too huge a truth. It was madness for them that while they were yet sinners, an innocent man died for them. That they had been reconciled to God. Paul, a chief sinner by any standard, was a recipient of this love and it just transformed His life. These people did everything because they had come to the understanding that God loved them. Do you really know how much you have been loved? Salvation and its effects are things that even angels desire to look into. It is not normal that God should love you. He could have loved anything, ANYTHING. And yet we have become immune to the wonder that it is!! It is really sad....

Okay, I have to stop now…rather reluctantly though…again I wish I put a lot more down…. But until next week, princess…


  1. Indeed God has made everything beautiful in its time, though it is hard to wait but if only God's way is right then what will one gain by being impatient and rushy? I have been learning to patiently and prayerfully wait upon the Lord for my needs but I must confess its not so easy BUT it is what is necessary. The problem each time is that the doubt and impatience kicks in, but luckily God says to resist the devil and he will flee from us. For God has not given us a spirit of doubt or fear, He wants us to trust in Him. It is my wish and prayer that we should all learn to trust God like a little child trusts a parent, trusting that the she/he wont fall even when he is being playfully thrown in the air. We/I need God more than I know only I should learn to trust Him with every bit of my day to day life.

  2. And Ruth, may the good Lord who blesses be Jehova El Shadaai to you, in the name of Jesus. and thanks for the word of God spoken through you.
