For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Friday 8 April 2011

Who are you, Princess?

One thing I am finding in learning about women is that it is hard to define a woman apart from a man. Whether we like it or not, God has made us interdependent. However, this should not be misinterpreted to mean without men we are nothing or that our lives start and end with men. No!! A thousand times NO!! They are a beautiful part of our lives but not our lives.

A lot of women today are waiting for their life to begin; they are so frustrated with the state of affairs at present and so they live in the land of ‘if’ and ‘when.’ For some, they think real life will start when they get their degree, others after they get a job, a boyfriend, a husband, children, a house, a car..and so the list goes on. They are waiting, and watching for a future and in the process just going through the motions. But I want to remind you today that your life began a long time ago and what you are doing in waiting for these things is wasting time. Not that waiting in itself is wrong; It is not! But to believe that your whole purpose begins or is defined with these things is where the problem lies. Too much focus on these things will always make you feel like God is delaying you; that He’s being late when in fact He is not late and is trying to tell you to live and enjoy the now because you, without those things are fully equipped to do so. Right now, where you are, is the story of your life. God wants you to enjoy it, not to feel less of what He made you because you do not yet have whatever it is you want. You do not have to wait for a man just for you to be a complete woman. That is putting too much pressure on him. You do not have to wait for children to be a mother, you meet so many people whom you can nurture and in doing that, those are seeds planted for your own children. You do not need a degree to define who you are; the Bible has already done that for you.

Dear woman, I would have you know today, in case you did not now, in case someone has brainwashed you, I would have you know at this moment that you being born, the fact that you were born, means you have a purpose and that you were specifically designed for it. That purpose is not found in a job, in a husband or a degree. It is already in you. If it was not, you would not be here. God is not a waster. He does not just do things without a plan (Isaiah 14:24). God did not create you as an afterthought but as a very important part of His plan in creation. You were not Adam’s idea. Adam didn’t even think that there could be such a thing as a woman before God brought her to his attention. You are God’s idea and a good one at that. He has a special plan just for you. Do you think you have a missing ingredient in your makeup to be a woman? Perhaps He created you half woman and the other half is in a man? In a child? A job maybe? No, not my God. He made you gorgeous, and fully capable to be all the woman you want to be because He makes things thoroughly.

The problem however is that a lot of women do not realise that they can be all the woman they want to be without all the other things to define them. So instead they look for a man, because at least then, they will have a role as a wife or a mother, or whatever it is. All beautiful gifts, I should add. Honestly though, these are all earthly relationships/gifts. But as a Christian woman, you should always remember that there is a heaven and in heaven these things will not be there. The fact that God does not class you as male or female but as His sons is telling (Galatians 3:28). Ultimately, this definition of you is what counts. He looks at your spirit, the transformed part of you. The spirit part of you that is like Him and that relates to Him ( John 4:24). This part of you, which is the real you has no limits; in fact not even death can beat it because when you became Christian, it gulped in everlasting life (John 3:16). So yes, while your physical body will die, your spirit will not die. This is absolutely mind-blowing. Unfortunately though, a lot of women just concentrate on the outside, because that is what they see. Very often therefore, we limit ourselves. If we focused on the limitless us, our spirits, all these roles in the world would be a walk in the park, or at least close to one, because we are functioning as a super woman. Peter knew this and so he said, ‘ Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.’You are more than what meets the eye. Do you understand that?

A woman who understands this will understand that ultimately she is first and foremost God’s woman. And most assuredly I tell you this, God will never let you be half of what He planned. Whatever you think you are accomplishing without God is nothing compared to what you can accomplish with Him because He knows what exactly He put inside of you and noone or anything will ever tell you that. Once you fully grasp this you will not be waiting for anything. Instead, you will be pursuing God, trying to get all He has on you and guess what? Your hearts desires are on the list too. I made up my mind a while ago that this is what I want to do with my life. I am going to pursue Him and when all is said and done, I will go be with Him, with my works to present. And oh my God!! does He take care of me because I accept, I am His woman!!!

But I will not disregard the physical you because while on this earth you are in a beautiful body of a woman. Obviously you are physically different from a man. Mind you, different does not mean inferior. It just means different. In Peter 3:7 we have been called the weaker partner. Considering though that a lot of women can and do handle much more adversity than men, I like the interpretation Myles Munroe puts on it, that it means more delicate. Which is true. While Adam came from dirt, Eve came from Adam. Our shape was made a little more refined, with what I like to say, a dash of elegance..hahahah…I believe emotionally too, He made us sensitive, nurturing..just really amazing, really. God did this intentionally not by mistake. The sooner we accept this, the better. It baffles me why women think all this puts them at a disadvantage. Usually a difference is considered a strength. You can ask the singer with the unique tone to her voice, the painter…it gives everyone the extra edge.. why would you think it gives you a disadvantage?

Perhaps it is not knowing why you were made this way? Well then, one of the reasons you were made different is so that you can incubate a child and give birth to it. Apparently, it has been said that the pressure exerted on a woman’s body during delivery would kill a man. The pressure is so great that a man’s body could not withstand it. I completely rejoice in this. Oh Yes! Marvellous are His works; surely we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That physical body you have therefore, is just not for show, it has a huge incredible purpose. Your ability to incubate and birth however, is  not limited to a human child only. God, amazingly made the whole of u to be an incubator, hence the saying a woman’s touch!! Your touch can turn a house into a home. Your touch can turn food into a meal. God made you creative, resourceful. When you are feeling like you have run out of ideas, remember who you are: His woman. Just ask,Him: Dad, what are your thoughts on this? I know you You gave me all the abilities to do this so show me how (Jeremiah 33:3)…its an easy life right? It is ingrained in you to multiply things and to make things more than they are.

I do believe that this ability we have is because we were made to be helpers of men. The term helper is packed. It speaks of a fully prepared person who comes to assist. One cannot help if she lacks the ability to do so. I do believe the fact that God called us helps means that He fully equipped us with every sort of idea our man will need to enhance his life. That’s a lot of power you have princess. The thing is though, it is already in you even without your man; that is why you are already nurturing, creative and so much more. Do not just sit on these gifts God gave you. How I pray that you realise what you have, Woman!!! 

And because you are help, it comes very easily for you to influence. Yes, I am speaking to you. Do not underestimate what you have. You have power to influence decisions just as Eve did. You are a woman of influence. You must decide however to use this for good not to destroy. The devil knows how powerful you are, he really does and that is why he aims to destroy your knowledge of who you are. Because if you find out who you really are, not from me, for I hold no answers but from God and His word, you would be a force to be reckoned with, I assure you. Women have lured men into paths that have destroyed them but you can be women who lure men to greatness. Esther is a case in point. All some men need is a right word from a woman. I am so proud to be a woman and I am on a mission to fully discovering myself. I am determined to be all I am meant to be and you can be too. It is my prayer that you do.

Do not spend time wishing you were stronger, more disciplined, quieter, the virtuous woman of proverbs 31; A multi tasker, a doer and a world shaker. I want to tell you that you already are. God placed all those qualities in the inner you. Unfortunately a lot of us women are spiritual babes with untrained spirits and so we do not know how to release all that is within us. But Peter says as babes, we must desire the sincere milk of the word that we might grow thereby. That is it, that is the key: the word. A baby does not know who she is, not really. That is why you do not believe you are a woman of virtue. In fact maybe you want to argue with this truth. Once we grow however, we will realise who we are and once we do the rest is history.The Bible says the whole world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of not wait for it, darling!!

Let me recommend a book: Understanding the power and purpose of a woman by Myles Munroe…It helped me a lot. I hope it will help you too. Have a great week, ladies

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