For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Friday 25 March 2011

The Prince and the Princess...

A majority of my friends now have boyfriends. Good and admirable men. I remember when most of them got into a serious relationship, there was always a great commotion. It wasn’t something we just said, ‘Oh wow’ over…there was screaming, hugs, the whole deal; we had to know the whole story. I remember for one of my friends who is getting married in a few months, we screamed so loud people in the next building came over to inquire if something had gone wrong…hahaha… Sometimes it would not be screams but just major excitement. They wanted to let people know. We wanted to hear. And even if they were very private, the news seemed exciting enough to whisper of it at least; tell their closest friends.

It seems now as I grow older that the topic of men is what is most talked about in women’s circles. We all like, ‘I saw this guy’ ‘this guy said this’..’Girl, he’s so fine..’ ‘ I want my husband to do this’..the conversations are endless. I have no problem with this, nothing at all. What does sadden me however, is how as women we would rather get excited over earthly relationships but not over Jesus; how we could completely try to replace that deep need within us with a man. You could say that, that is not what you are doing but it is. We, after all speak what our hearts are full of. If that is the bulk of our conversations then ; surprise, surprise!!!! Our hearts are full of men. And it is sad, so sad that there seems to be no excitement over Jesus. No buzz about the coolest guy in the entire world!!!

 For as long as I can remember, I have wished for a guy who would make a fool of himself for me.  You know the one am talking about. The guy who stands in the middle of a crowd and shouts out, ‘Ruth I love you, Marry me!! Marry me Ruth!!’….hahaha..and yes I would be embarrassed but it would be well worth it and plain fun!! I would love blushing any day to that. He had to be a guy who would love me so much that his own personal pleasures were not even a factor. Someone tall, dark and handsome. Someone whose heart is completely set on God….gosh, don’t get me started..the list can go on… And I know already some of you are saying, ‘Ruth, in your dreams!! Such a guy does not exist!!’ I have been told of that so many times that I have believed it to be truth for the longest time.

But I have found Him and proved everybody who ever said it wrong. You see I found my Mr Perfect but what I did not know was that He had His eye on me all along. He had been watching me silently, pursuing me and gouging the best time to present His case. Sad thing is, I never noticed Him and even if I did, I brushed Him aside. But He finally caught my attention one beautiful day and told me, ‘I am your man, Ruth.’ I get goose bumps even while writing this!! Hahaha.. He said, ‘I am the one you have been waiting for all your life. I know you have suffered heart aches, I know your trust in men is broken, I know you have been told not to believe in the perfect guy because you, yourself are not perfect so why expect perfection from another.. But look at me, I am perfect and I am telling you: I love you so much.’

You can imagine how speechless I became, still am…but right before I could utter anything else, He continued, ‘You might not know it but I have been pursuing you for a long time. I have loved you for so long, way before you even knew of me. And I know that you have always wanted a guy to make a public spectacle of himself for you. Well, I did that too.’ He told me then of how He had been stripped of everything for me. He was a prince, He said, but because I was a peasant He came down to my level so that He could relate with me, so that He would woo me and take me back for Himself. I heard Him say, ‘I know that people in love often say I would die for you but I am not just saying it, I died for you because it had to be done; if not by me, then by you but I love you too much to let you take that burden on you. I don’t want you to worry about anything, Ruth. If its money, I gat you covered. You will be fed for always, clothed. So wipe those tears and smile for me because you have all the reason to be. I am here for you always. You just have to keep your eyes on me, just keep looking at me and I will take care of everything. I have you.’

I am still today amazed that somehow I stumbled into love…I am in the arms of love. People ask why I smile and why my eyes glow. My answer is: how can I not, with such a lover? There’s a spring in my steps and I sing a little tune everyday! And when flowers bloom all around me, I know its Him, knocking on my door with a bouquet of flowers. Aaaah..He’s amazing. He knows just what I like more than I do myself. I thought I did not like roses till He gave me an opportunity to walk in a rose garden. I thought I did not like sand until I sat on a beach of pebbles and decided, sand is better..hahaha..Everyday, when light slips through my window, I know its Him, saying ‘Good morning, sweetheart!! How did you sleep?' And the best part of all this is knowing I am secure in Him. Nothing and no-one can separate me from Him.  He loved me yesterday, the same way He will love me tomorrow. The only thing that changes, is my knowledge of how much  He really loves me. Tomorrow, I will know it more.. I have wanted a life of discovery, full of surprises and I have found it in Him and I think He’s the best.

I am a woman, ladies, and so I know women. I can safely say every woman wants to be loved ( not a synonym for marriage); to be appreciated, no matter how strong and independent you are. I do not believe God would have told men to love us( Eph 5), if He did not think we needed to be loved. I do not think He would love us as He does if we did not need it. A lot of the problems that do arise with women like self esteem issues, trust issues, depression, self-preservation and abusive relationships can all be linked back to this need to be loved; to be taken care of. And I have also come to realise that what every woman longs for, knowingly or unknowingly is Jesus. You can write the list of your man today, the character you want and try and measure him up to Jesus...That level of perfection is found only in Jesus (Unless you want a bad guy whose main aim is to hurt you and that falls incredibly short and there is no comparison there) . There does not exist someone in the whole of creation who will not disappoint you in love, who will fail to meet up to your expectations..The only who does, is taken by me…hahahaha…and the beauty is, He can be taken by you too.

I know a lot of emphasis is placed on what Jesus did on the cross and I am all for that: the fact that even His eyebrows were pierced by that throne of thorns for me is just too much for me. And if my heart is not a gooey lump at my feet at such a demonstration of love, what just completely and utterly dazzles me is the effect of the cross on my life. You and I both know that He would have just died and our debt would be paid. That He would have just defeated the devil and call it even, saved us peasants and gone back to the King to reign as the Prince He is. But oh, no..not this Prince. He became sin or in other words, completely void of all that God is (what He was) and from prince, He became a spiritual peasant like we were and died in our place. He did not however stop there. The Bible says, He took us to hell with Him, then we rose with Him and were taken high with Him, to sit together in the heavenly places (Eph 2:5-6). WOW!! It was Him saying, 'I do not want to reign alone; I want these people to be princesses too. Because I am righteous and Holy, I want every one who will confess my lordship over their lives to be holy too.And when He was awarded for His mission; when His name was made the name above all names, when He was given all power and authority both in heaven and on earth, He did not think to  keep even that to Himself. He stretched it out to us. How amazing is that??!

The fact that we walk around like we are equals to the devil or our circumstances or  like they are stronger and scarier  than us shows that we don’t really know Jesus and the power He has given us. Using this measuring stick, I fully acknowledge that I have so much more to learn because, yes, some things still intimidate me. On many days, I blame my ignorance of Him for the times when overcoming seems impossible because we have been made overcomers, we just don’t know it and therefore we walk on as powerless people ( Psalms 82). There is a solution always in God’s word, in Jesus for whatever it is we are going through. We just have not yet found it or we are not bothered to check because we think it can not be found in God but maybe in our brain, or our friend's  more creative one. It should definitely be there considering we made the whole world and all. But that is really underestimating what Jesus did on the cross which is sad because He had so much faith in what we would become after He went to heaven. He clearly said we would do greater things than what He had done. So if we are not doing it, that's on us and not Him. He is too much of a gentleman to come barging into our lives if we will not invite Him in or acknowledge Him. If we are too lazy to know Him, too busy, too bored, too cool..whatever it is, He will leave us to it. But that’s our loss because  He is the answer. Not knowing Him for a believer is like choosing to walk, when the car ( latest model) is parked. It's choosing to scrub the carpet when there is a carpet cleaner. It is choosing to live like a peasant while dressed as a princess. A shame isn’t it?

Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.  And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell,  and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled  in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight (Colossians 1:15-22).

This definition of Jesus  in a nutshell says: everything revolves around Him, everything is for Him and He being Jesus chose not to enjoy it all by Himself but to make all who have accepted Him partakers of a divine nature. It’s a good life from where am standing. What could  beat that. This is definitely exciting news right! I do not know of a girl in this age who would not fight tooth and nail to be His lady and yet you are but you walk on lamenting of how no one loves you, appreciates you and so on…

 It is my plea today that you learn more about Him. No matter how much you know, there is still more to know. If you knew it all you would not be where you are because that knowledge would have catapulted you to greater heights... He has already done most of the work. If you are born again, you are already a princess; He just wants you to learn how to be one. If you have not yet received Jesus, receive Him today….it is supreme life guaranteed.

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