For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Thursday 13 January 2011

Another Cinderella Story....?

Since this is my first blog, I think it is appropriate that I explain the blog name….
I don’t think at the time I gave my life to Jesus I knew how big that decision was or that it would be the best decision I ever made in my life.  I was 8 years old, when at a huge gathering held by Reinhard Bonnke , I heard the gospel, believed and said, “Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I believe you came and died for me.” I said this and felt no change in me, in the weeks to come. I did have an awareness at times that something was different, but I had expected to FEEL it as some do and was quite disappointed when nothing happened. I prayed, I read the Bible, I went to church and I tried to be good.…hehehe…but I did not know at this time what exactly had happened. Jesus was lord of my life…yeah, so??
It was later in my life that I came across 2 Corinthians 5:17 -“Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!” This amazed me!! I was a new person, according to the Bible,  I was a child of God and because He is King, a Princess. was almost laughable, The King of Kings was my dad!! This was new territory. I did not know what it meant to be a princess. I did not know what powers and responsibilities I now had. I knew nothing.
Since then I have discovered some interesting scenarios in which a princess can find herself:
A princess who for some reason lives in a foreign land and has never discovered her roots may live as a peasant for the rest of her life because she was never told of her heritage.
If she is told and then goes to live in this new world, this castle, she may still ACT as a peasant if she is unaware of the rights, powers and privileges that come with her title.
But even if she knows them, a princess might be ineffective in her reign if she does not use what is in her hand to impact the world.
Jesus’ death on the cross, has given to everyone, man or woman in Him, a life of royalty, His own very life. Ephesians 2: 5 -6 says that we died with Christ and we were made alive together with Him, and when Christ was raised up, we were raised together with Him and made to sit together in heavenly in places. This is your position once you have believed and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and it is a position that comes with responsibilities, powers, rights and privileges. Jesus suffered so that you do not suffer; He was rejected so that you would not be. And the most amazing thing is it that God did it all, just because He loves you. The problem is that one may be unaware, as I was for a long time, that the Lordship of Jesus over her life, made her a princess and hence continue to live on as a peasant.
Similarly, you may know you are saved, that you are a princess but not know what it means. That is, not know or understand your rights, powers or privileges.  For instance, what does it mean to you when the Bible says, ‘the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want’?  Though often said, only few people acknowledge Him as that; as their main provider. Many will look at their degree as a way to make it in this world, others at money, and others at jobs. The life as princess however, is beyond that. It is a knowing that there is not anything in this life that you can want that is not found in Jesus.
Still more, one may know all this but for some reason not use what is in her hands to impact the world. So you know, that as a christian lady, the spirit that you have is one not of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind ( 2 Tim 1:7) and yet when you speak, your language is full of fear: ‘ I can not do this. I am afraid.’ Instead of embracing the boldness that is already in you and saying I can do this, not that I am sufficient by myself but I do it through Christ who infuses inner strength into me. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency-Philippians 4:13(amp)….
But whatever the level you might find yourself, you can become better. From good to better; from better to best; from best to best of the best and while English limits the word of the next stage up (because, I think its bestest of the God’s vocabulary is limitless.
This is much better than the Cinderella story...right? You are not just dressing up, you ARE. You will not become your old self again at midnight... those days are gone. You made a covenant with God, en He sticks to His word.This is not a story of you looking all beautiful for a trip to the palace, fixin yourself up..This is one of the Prince knocking on your door, a door of someone just ordinary, and inviting you to the Castle to reign with Him. He will fix you up....It almost seems impossible but it is so True.
On this blog, I aim to just glorify God. It is my prayer that a lot of ladies will join me in this. I will share the word of God and lessons the Lord has taught me so far. There are people in my life who inspire me and who have impacted my life greatly…I will tell of their stories so that you too are inspired. God has given us all we need to be a generation of ladies who know who they are and what powers they have to impact the world. So lets do dis!!


  1. Ruth, this is a beautiful testimony and a great reminder of who we are in Christ Jesus. Keep up the great writing, am sure God has great plans for you in this area.

  2. Thank you so much Tina...That is so encouraging. God bless you.

  3. Sister Ruth,may the good Lord bless you for this insight you have given me that even in the foreign land i need to discover my roots and find my heritage.Amen

  4. From ashes to beauty...from the pit to the palace...who am I, o Lord, that you are so mindful of me. Dying on the cross was sufficient on its own. But you went the extra mile. Having died for us, you established an intimate relationship with us, provided us with an abundant life, gave us room in your Kingdom, made us just a little lower than the angels.That a Prince would sacrfice His life for a sake for a peasant is news that is beyond remarkable. I am now convinced beyond any shadow of doubt that there has been no greater love, in all the universe, than the love of Jesus Christ.

  5. It is indeed amazing what God has done for us....It still staggers me...and yes the fact that He ddnt have to...He ddnt owe us...He was nt obliged to give us life or a choice btwn life en death bt He did!!! Praise His name forever!!!

  6. nice i like good thanks for remembering us about christ
