For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago...(Ephesians 2:10)

Monday 19 September 2011

God's Woman Continued....

I thank my Father for this opportunity once again to discuss His Kind of woman. I pray for you now, that you take a hold of this word and run with it. I pray that you understand how invested God is in your development. How excited He is over your life as a woman.  I do not know how to emphasize this but I pray that the Holy Spirit may help you grasp just how possible it is for you to be this woman. It is not my intention that you read this and consider it nice, helpful or even deep. It is my intention that you act on this word and become the woman God created you to be. She is so complete she leaves me in awe.  She defines a beautiful woman at any level. Her virtue is unquestionable and her style heavenly. I pray that may the Holy Spirit continue to teach you deeper truths about her. Amen.

Ooookay, Ready? let's dig right in.  We are at Proverb 31:16. A virtuous woman ‘considers a [new] field before she buys or accepts it [expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties]; with her savings [of time and strength] she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard.’  This means she is also a planner and can prioritize.  If you do not plan out your day, everything surprises you. You are therefore able to neglect one thing for the other because you have not placed a value on it. The thing you are doing might be important but might seem small in that moment when another thing pops up. This kind of woman however is able to say, ‘wait a minute. I will be right with you. Let me just finish this.’ because she knows the value she has attached to it. Similarly, she is able to drop something that is not vital. She does not run around from one thing to another accomplishing nothing like some crazy woman.

We also notice that she is a saver and an investor. Now, I know the urge to spend one gets when money lands in the hands. Trust me, I always tell people this, I am a recovered shopaholic. Praise God for liberating me. And trust me too…it is God who helped me; no way would I have been able to do that by myself…hahaha….But this ability of hers, speaks of self control: She is able to  not spend  just because she saw that dress or liked those heels. Remember this rule: You seldom find something as much fun to own as you look forward to owning it. You might desperately want a certain skirt but once you get it in the closet, it becomes just another skirt.  It is not wrong to do this but learn to invest in the right stuff of which I believe to be firstly God and what He is doing in this earth. This woman owns a vineyard. I do not think she spent her money on things that caused instant gratification.

In addition to this, she takes time to think things through and decide on the best. How do we know this? Notice the scripture says: She plants fruitful vines. This means she has gone through the selection process: What is good for her and what is not? What we need to realize as women is that, we do not have to make decisions instantly. It is okay, to stop and think. It is okay to remove some stuff out  of our lives, to let go and let only the fruitful vines be planted in our gardens. There is no point keeping things in our lives that will not help us grow. ..Amen.

Verse 17 says: ‘She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] and makes her arms strong and firm’. She has the right attitude.  Okay, firstly she realizes that she has a God-given task.  It is God who has given her this household or family or whatever it is. God has blessed her. Then she prepares for it spiritually, mentally and physically. She is not going to be complaining about this job. Crying that it is so so hard. She is going to make sure she rests enough so that she can give it her best shot and not work tiredly. But most importantly, she will make sure she has the right spiritual readiness. She can do this through Christ who strengthens her. It does not matter what comes her way in this job, greater is He that is within her than this job etc. I mean this woman is on a mission and she is R-E-A-D-Y!! Hallelujah!!!!

Not only this but that she has MADE her arms strong.  Her body is subject to her!!  It speaks of self- discipline. She has disciplined her body. Ladies let us discipline these bodies out of laziness and emotional turmoil. We are not basket cases/nervous wrecks needing constant calming by others or a shove just to get us working. Let us take charge of our lives. We can chose who we want to be. It is amazing how much your body can take. Sometimes you might think you are not strong enough but have you tried to push yourself? This is a woman who has made her body strong. I believe it flowed from her spiritual discipline.

Verse 18-‘She perceives that her merchandise is good,  And her lamp does not go out by night.’ I really like this one. You know, some of us women do not know what we have. We are just incapable of appreciating a good thing when we see it or have it. I know some men don’t either but as this is about women,  let’s focus on us. This woman knows/sees that her merchandise is good. You should learn to appreciate the good things that you have and take care of them. If it is a flower vase, polish it regularly, don’t rely on someone to do it for you always and then blame them when they break it. For those of you whom God has blessed with guys: Please learn to appreciate them and to take care of them. They are good merchandise. A woman of God, knows quality when she sees it. For those of us who are yet to commit, learn to recognise the good merchandise when it comes along. It may not be in the package you prefer but don’t let that side track you. Look at the characteristics of God in them…that is good merchandise on any level…Praise God!!

Verse 19: ‘She lays her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.’ This woman is a seamstress. If you are like me, you are probably thinking, ‘okay, this is where I drop off’…hahahah…But let us not lose heart. To those sisters who can make their own clothes, we admire your gift. For the rest of us, allow me to suggest that we can at least be women who know the basics like sewing on a button or hemming our skirts or something. We do not have to be completely helpless in this area just because we are not experts.  This should also just encourage us to be women who acquire a little knowledge of everything. Again you do not have to be expert but at least be able to just know a few tips on things. Be curious and ask questions. Do not pretend you know it all…it might look cool at that time but one day, you will wish you had asked. So yes, you are not a seamstress, but can you at least sew a button onto your kid’s uniform? You don’t have to be a nurse but can you nurse a cut until help comes along?

Verse 20: ‘She opens her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her filled hands to the needy [whether in body, mind, or spirit].’  She is not selfish. She has a heart of openness and giving. Some women do not even want people to sit on their clean sofas; Judgment of people is made based on their clothes. This is very ungodly.  A woman of God opens her house up to the poor and invites them in. She blesses people with the good stuff and not just what is no longer good to her. She buys the best to give to the worst. Further, she reaches out her filled hands to the needy. That is, she gives things away. Some of us have track-loads of clothes and shoes we keep telling ourselves we will wear but we never do..please give them away. Someone needs them today. You are sitting on your own blessings by not releasing them. One time, I remember God told me to give away some earrings. If you know me, you know I absolutely love earrings. Anyway, I was very reluctant. I started thinking of the ones I wanted to give and no surprise there, it was the cheaper ones.  But then God said to me, ‘Ruth, you are acting like I cannot give you something better. Do you really want to limit yourself that way?’ My question for you today is that: You say you can’t give away that dinner dress because it was very expensive…Do you think God cannot give you better? Do you really want to limit yourself in that way?

I am going to skip verse 21 and will address it when we talk about her role in the family but verse 22 says: ‘She makes for herself coverlets, cushions, and rugs of tapestry. Her clothing is of linen, pure and fine, and of purple [such as that of which the clothing of the priests and the hallowed cloths of the temple were made].’ This is the personal touch verse. She displays her touch. We all know this woman has employees and kids but you can see the work of her hands everywhere. Is that not amazing?!! You and I both have a signature that is uniquely us. It is what makes you different. Do not hide it, Princess! Glaze it over everything you touch. Let the work of your hands reveal what God has placed in you. I know it is not always easy because you open up yourself to criticism from others. Maybe they will not like your cooking, or designs or whatever it is that God has put in you but remember they can only criticize, God alone will judge. Shine, Princess. SHINE!!  This verse also shows how she goes over and beyond what is expected of her. As I said, she is a busy woman with employees. They can do this for her, yet she has taken time to do it. She can easily not do it, no one would expect her to do this because of her schedule and yet she does.  Do not do things half halfheartedly, invest yourself in them and go beyond what everyone expects of you. We can do it, no matter how busy we are. We can be those women people wonder about: How does she do all that? Where does she find time to do it?

This verse also sheds light on her dressing which is linen( expensive) and purple ( a colour of royalty). In a nutshell, she knows who she is. She is reigning ladies, reigning. She did not just pull anything out the closest but has taken time to take out the best. She has class and is wise enough to choose clothes that suit who she is. I find it very interesting that when it comes to clothes, we follow the world. It is very rare for ladies to google women of God to see what they wear in their causal times or various functions. In most cases we look at celebrities and all the rest. I find it very very interesting how this is not questioned but is actually a norm. No wonder we feel offended when the pastor corrects us…a lot of us ladies have not conformed our minds when it comes to dressing. Now I am not saying wear rugs…this woman does not. I am suggesting that you find out who you are and dress in that manner, whatever it is. Do not just follow the crowd and do not apologize for your sense of class. This woman knows she is royalty and dresses accordingly. What does your dressing say about you? What does your make-up say?

Let’s link this up with verse 25 and 26: ‘Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; she rejoices over the future [the latter day or time to come, knowing that she and her family are in readiness for it]! She opens her mouth in skillful and godly Wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness [giving counsel and instruction].’ What this is saying is: You can dress nice but act badly. A woman of God, on top of her good physical dressing clothes herself in strength and dignity. Dignity means inherent nobility and worth. It is the way in which you carry yourself that just demands respect from others. It’s in the way you speak and act and live. People just respect you without you having to say anything…WOW!! This makes life easy, does it not? No asking for respect, just getting it. God can do this for you. If you feel as though you lost yours, He can restore it for you. That is His specialty.

And then notice further, she is not a worrier. She rejoices about her future. A woman of God does not spend all day moaning about her future, ‘ oh, but what if this, what if that, maybe this, may be that,’ As my Pastor says: Shut the trap!!! A woman of God is ready for the future!! The word rejoice in other versions is laugh. Imagine then, when someone tells her…, ‘ But madam, the predictions are that the economy will not be good next year. You might lose your businesses’: She laughs. ‘When they say, but the way things are now, you will not be able to have more kids..’ :she laughs. Can you imagine that?…HAHAHA…Why such confidence? She knows who she is. She knows what she has been through.  Remember she is a ruby, God’s woman. she has been through tough times and weathered storms, she knows what it is to labour in prayer and knows her God. She knows Him. All she’s saying is: BRING IT ON!! AM READY!! But if she is not moaning and complaining, then what is she doing? Woooohhooo!!! I want to shout!!!  Verse 26 says she is speaking Christ( wisdom)…hehehehe…No wonder the boldness she has!!! She is not spouting nonsense and as we said in an earlier blog, ‘ When a Princess Speaks’, the words you speak chart your course in life. She can be bold about her future because all she is speaking are psalms. She is confessing that yesss!! The Lord is her Shepherd, she shall not be in want no matter what people say. She will be made to lie down in green pastures. Ladies….Are you catching this. Transform your world today by speaking right. Amen.

Verse 27: ‘She looks well to how things go in her household, and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent, and self-pity) she will not eat.’  She is busy with her own stuff and not in any way, idle. The proverb goes that an idle brain is the devils workshop. Give no room to the devil to set up shop in your brain or in your mouth. Get too busy for him. Stop wasting time, wasting time by indulging in idle talk. What do you gain after you have laughed over nothing for two hours? After you have gossiped about that work colleague who is actually busy at his desk getting things done? Not only this but a lot of us relish in self pity. We want people to feel sorry for us and to continually tell us everything is going to be alright. That is not attractive ladies. Fishing for compliments is not this woman’s way. Why would she need that anyway, she knows who she is. Stop being all self- important. The world is bigger than you.

Okay and lastly, this one is amazing and is the one I just had to squeak over because I was in a place I could not shout..hahaha… Ruth was the first woman in the Bible to be called a virtuous woman and guess what she had in common with this woman. Their reputation spread far and wide ( Ruth 3:11; Proverbs 31:23). You see, God is a God who rewards diligence. These women were hard workers. Ruth, everyday, worked hard to provide for her and her mother in law. This woman, started out in her home, seeking work and waking up early to get food for her family. They applied themselves to these tasks that may have been hard and boring. And in that time God molded them into these precious rare jewels. Maybe they did not notice it as they worked but slowly people began to see it in them. That light began to shine through. God was promoting them as they faithfully went about their tasks. Princess, I know when you are doing those menial tasks in the home, it might seem as though you are doing nothing. But no, do not despair: You are doing something. You are in the potter’s hands and He is working on you. Apply yourself wholly to those things and He will reward that. Very soon, your household or whatever it is, will be too small for you. Your reputation will spread wide. Do not despise small beginnings. You are happening right now. Right this minute!! God will not equip you to shine and not put you on display: IMPOSSIBLE!! Glory to God.
Till next time. Continue unraveling your identity in Christ!!! Love you!!!

Friday 2 September 2011

God's Kind of Woman

Welcome back Ladies. Firstly I do wanna apologize for not blogging in so long. I will give no excuses but only say, I am sincerely sorry and hope to maintain a certain level of consistency in the entries. I do believe that you are all well and that you remain strong in the Lord Jesus.

Secondly, I am bursting with excitement. I am so happy about the next entries from hence forth. God is so amazing and He is so geared to see to it that we become His kind of women. Women who are distinguished. Make no mistake of it, there are women in the Bible who have been acknowledged for being different, for going the extra mile and I am so very excited because God wants to do that for us. I have been hearing it often said in the christian circles: 'she is a woman of God', or 'she is a strong sister',  or 'we all call her prophetess'….So many labels have been placed on people. And sometimes, we too have been the recipients of these labels but have you ever asked yourself who a godly woman is. What is God’s kind of woman?As I have been preparing for this entry, I have been so challenged by the title ‘Woman of God.’ It actually just means that. A woman of God or rather, God’s woman. You can vary it: The Kings daughter, or a princess as we call her here but the connotation is the same: She is God’s.

We will be discussing her for a while and I just want to state the obvious from the beginning; The word of God does not apologise for being what it is: TRUTH and so  on a very serious note, our opinions about what kind of women we are to be are really irrelevant if they are not in line with God’s word. The word is the reality. It does not matter what we have been taught or what our past experiences have led us to think…The word, is final authority, and trust it to be such for you today. Give it room within you, to settle down and grow. If it gets uncomfortable, it’s alright, the word is good for correction. Amen.
Okay, lets get started: To jump start this, we shall obviously go to Proverbs 31. You will hear it said among many men that a good woman is hard to find. Both believers and non-believers agree on this one. This is very much scriptural. God’s woman, a virtuous woman, is a rare breed. I like this and often  joke and say a good woman is peculiar among the peculiar…HAHAHA..Why?  Because the Bible has called us a peculiar people..the whole bunch of us christians (1 Peter 2: 9) and then on top of that we have  verse 10 of this chapter that states that ‘A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman--who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls…’

Rubies and pearls, as we all know too well are not found in the yard or just lying around somewhere. In fact, most times we see them, they are behind some glass and you can’t even touch them anyhow. They are shielded from thieves and many will just look at them and wish they could afford them. This is the value of God’s woman. She will not let herself be touched anyhow by anyone. She is shielded by the presence of God. She understands that just because guys like her doesn’t mean she has to be agreeable with any or all of them. Being admired is her portion…HAHAHA…She is after all God’s glory, reflecting His beauty….who can help but admire that? You have to understand....God can make you into a wonder....but don't let that mess you up or fill you up with pride. Keep your eyes totally focused on Jesus.

We also know, that these jewels are made over time. They do not just show up out of the blue. They have been chipped and molded under pressure. Likewise, a woman of God does not just happen. She is a result of what God has been doing in her for a long time. She is a woman that God has chippend into His character and it has taken Him such a long time that He decided to liken her to a ruby or pearl. God himself called her that. She is a woman who has character and not just looks. Anyone can be born with good looks or a beautiful shape…that is free…or maybe not… as in these days, looks can even be bought. But it is only God, through His Spirit who can shape you into His woman. Irrespective of your background, you can rise up out of slime and shake loose of that shell and become a beautiful pearl in the eyes of God and man.

That verse also says, she is capable. That means she has the ability to cope. Ability to cope does not mean resisting help when offered because you can do it all. It also does not mean not lifting a finger becase someone agreed to help. It means she can handle things. She does not go into a panic just because responsibility has been heaped on her. Instead she roles up her sleeves and gets to work.

Further,  she is intelligent. I am so glad God does not entertain foolishness. She is intelligent. Smart. She is not simple but has instead embraced wisdom (Proverbs 9:4). Where is wisdom found? In Christ (1 Corinthians 1:30). Reading the word of God will also make you wise (2 Timothy 3:15): The word of God is after all, God.  An intelligent woman reads her Bible and not just common things that will not build her up. She is a student of the Most High God. Drawing wisdom every day from her maker. And because of this, her mouth leaks with wisdom that infects the hearers. If she does not wear pearls around her neck, they drop out of her mouth. She is not empty headed. And let me just make it clear here that intelligence is NOT, in this context synonymous with having straight A’s.

The last part of the verse says: who can find her? This means she is sought after  and not she herself seeking. It is very sad in this day and age that many women are seeking  men. I do not know how to emphasize this. This is not my personal opinion, it is the word of God. Do not seek after men. You will make mistakes and waste so much time. Calm down and pack away your hunting gear. God’s woman is too classy for that. She does not throw herself at men but waits patiently on the Lord. In fact, I am of the opinion that she is too busy being chipped by God anyway. This is the King’s daughter we are talking about. She has self-respect and hangs around her King.
God’s woman is also good-hearted. This is found in verse 12: ‘She comforts, encourages, and does him only good as long as there is life within her.’ The him refers to her husband and we shall discuss her role in that in the coming entries but for today…I am led to believe that she is not only good to her husband but to everyone. Why? Because doing good for as long as a peron lives can not be faked. You can fake being good for a only a time and then the real you will come out. To do only good to her husband as long as there is life within her means, she is that way. Further, later we even hear that her kids calling her blessed (v28). I refuse to believe that her goodness is limited to her husband…It has to be a part of her  (although her husband might be the chief beneficiary). She is a kind woman.  An encourager and not one to trump people down . Question: can we do only good? Of course we can.  God, He is good ( Psalms 34:8). He is the definition of good. How can His woman do only bad? One of the fruit of the spirit is goodness ( Galatians 5:22). We can surely exercise this.

Verse 13 says: ‘She seeks out wool and flax and works with willing hands [to develop it].’ Notice the word ‘seeks’. She does not seek after men but she seeks work. Praise God!! She is not a lazy woman and  does not work grudgingly but willingly.  Ladies, lets whistle as we cook, dance around to the beat of the music, not chop the tomatoes with a frown on our faces. Or throw the dishes heavily in the sink. Ours should be a life of service to the people around us.Let us be hard workers just as our Dad is.
Verse 14: She is like the merchant ships loaded with foodstuffs; she brings her household's food from a far [country]. If you think you are so delicate that rain will melt you…this one’s not for you. God’s woman is TOUGH. Glory to God!!! She is likened to a merchant ship. This is a vessel engaged in commercial it carries all sorts of stuff. But that aside, the thing is, such vessels go through storms and iceburgs just to get the goods delivered. Gods woman is a woman who can weather storms. She will stand her ground and pray no matter what comes away because her focus is on the victory. She will not just cower and cry the night away. If she is going to cry, it will be to God…remember she is not lazy…that includes even in terms of exercising her faith.

Verse 15: She rises while it is yet night and gets [spiritual] food for her household and assigns her maids their tasks. Okay…she is not a sleeper… much for the beauty sleep!! Well, we can have it but just not in excess.  This one is an early riser. She has to do so, to plan the work she will assign to her maids. Now, maybe most of us do not have maids but she does so also to get spiritual food for her household. Where from? This woman wakes up early to be with her Father.  Ladies, lets raise the bar. Lets take time to pray, to read the word. Sleep is good, yes but the more we sleep, the more we waste away the hours. I have seen this trait in the people of God including Jesus himself: They maximised on the time they had in a day. You can sleep late, our wake up early…whatever is good for you. But make time for God.

Verse 16: ‘She considers a [new] field before she buys or accepts it [expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties]; with her savings [of time and strength] she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard’… She is able to consider a new field. This is a woman who knows her mind. She is able to analyse and judge if something is good or not. She is not out there asking everyone she can what they think about what she wants to do: believer or not. She has spent time with God and she is confident that she can make the right decisions for that day…Oh, Praise God!!!
Okay, I will have to stop here because too much in one gulp will not be good. But we shall continue next time and look more deeply into this verse and other verses. I am very much challenged by this woman and I hope you are too.  This is God’s kind of woman…the one He himself has shaped. I believe strongly that if we let Him, God would do the same for us. We do not have to feel overwhelmed…remember this kind of woman just doesn’t happen but if we are willing to, we can be shaped into her. I pray that you make that decision today, to become all of the woman God created you to be, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.